PriorGen - Generates Prior Distributions for Proportions
Translates beliefs into prior information in the form of Beta and Gamma distributions. It can be used for the generation of priors on the prevalence of disease and the sensitivity/specificity of diagnostic tests and any other binomial experiment.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.98 score 19 scripts 193 downloadsEVI - Epidemic Volatility Index as an Early-Warning Tool
This is an R package implementing the epidemic volatility index (EVI), as discussed by Kostoulas et. al. (2021) and variations by Pateras et. al. (2023). EVI is a new, conceptually simple, early warning tool for oncoming epidemic waves. EVI is based on the volatility of newly reported cases per unit of time, ideally per day, and issues an early warning when the volatility change rate exceeds a threshold.
Last updated 1 years ago
2.70 score 7 scripts 200 downloads